February 23, 2025

4 thoughts on “MRM # 11

  1. Oliver Renick says:

    my favorite comment on the Forbes list is by username rednetnation:

    To the President of Forbes:
    I’m sorry your son got rejected from Cornell. Cornell was too good for a boy such as your son to get in. Please tell your son to get 1000 points higher on the SAT and then reapply. Then we will talk. The fact that you ranked Cornell outside of 100, when it is ranked in top 15 in every other college list is baffling. Stick to ranking the richest people in the world. No wonder business week and times are considered to be on different level than you are. Do some more research, and please don’t take out your anger of being rejected by Cornell by making up a random ranking. Thank you

  2. Joe Bonica says:

    That list was a disaster. That comment, on the other hand, is a work of divine genius.

  3. Joe Bonica says:

    That list was a disaster. That comment, on the other hand, is a work of divine genius.

  4. Antoniewicz says:

    Well, now I know one magazine I'll never read (not that I was ever going to read Forbes anyway).;…

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