-Famous physicist Steven Weinberg reminisces of Cornell and has some advice for new freshmen (link from Bilmes).
– Here are two recent back-to-back articles by George Will, about leaving Afghanistan and exiting Iraq.
– Former Cornell Professor Thomas Sowell (1965-1969) took multiple stabs at Obama’s plans for health care reform before Wednesday night’s speech.
– On Friday, a Cornell student Warren Schor ’11 died of complications from swine flu. A memorial service will be held for Warren sometime this week.
– As H1N1 spreads, more universities are taking precautionary measures by canceling social events.
– Tyler Cowen’s latest column argues against the politicization of the economy.
– Are you afraid of Obama? Didn’t think so – Politico has an article about the President’s lack of ability to incite fear in those who oppose him.