“We’re going to continue doing what we’ve been doing,” Myrick told the Ithaca Journal following the election, “reaching out to citizens, knocking on doors, reaching out through Facebook and Twitter, holding office hours.”
Myrick, a former Vice-President of SAE fraternity and currently representing Ithaca’s 4th Ward (Collegetown), will be the youngest mayor in Ithaca history.

“You don’t run because you want to be someone, you get involved because you want to do something,” Myrick told the Cornell Review following the Democratic primary. “If you put in your work, when you come out, people will respect that. They will see past your age, and you can accomplish some really positive, amazing things.”
In the other election of interest to Cornell students, Cornell faculty member Graham Kerslick won Myrick’s seat representing Ithaca’s 4th Ward. Kerslick, who received an impressive 83 votes, is the Associate Director of Cornell’s Nanobiotechnology Center. 97% of the district’s residents are Cornell students. Only 95 voted in the election.
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