President Barack Obama’s administration has been one rife with scandals. Some pertain directly to himself and his own actions–like the recent immigration executive order that some say unconstitutionally side-stepped Congress–and some to members of his administration, like the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS and the Secret Service’s series of embarrassments.
So in the spirit of March Madness and NCAA bracketology, The Cornell Review presents its very own Obama Administration Scandal Bracketology.
Here’s mine filled out:
Let us know what your bracket looks like. Feel free to print one out or request one by emailing us at cornellreview@cornell.edu, and email us back your brackets. Also, vote in this poll:
bracket #1)
“If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period.”
Millions of people were subsequently sent cancellation notices.
——————— versus ———————
Unaccompanied Alien Children
Administration not informing communities (or the press) where they’ll be staying.
the strain on local resources while these illegal immigrants are given luxurious accommodations, drivers licenses, etc.
bracket #2)
State Department ignoring American Marine imprisoned in Mexico for many months.
——————— versus ———————
Barrycading the open-air World War Two Veterans Memorial
“If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period.”
Yes, I realized I had three incidents of the administration targeting reporters. I should have thrown one out and included the State Dept. ignoring the Marine imprisoned in Mexico. I was also contemplating adding in the snubbing of PM Benjamin Netanyahu but decided that it’s Obama policy to snub Israel, so really can’t call policy a scandal.