February 22, 2025

6 thoughts on “Orwellian Super Bowl?

  1. dennisshiraev says:

    In what context are you using “Orwellian”? An Orwellian state (like the once depicted in 1984) is one that eliminates the importance of the individual, completely strangles the freedoms of existing individuals, and exists simply for the sake of self-perpetuation. Whether or not behavioral monitoring is effective, I certainly don’t see it as any sort of restriction on freedom for anyone at the game. Nobody is going to be arrested for “acting weird.”

  2. jmb582 says:

    I’m gonna have to agree with Dennis on this one. The added security is not “restricting” anyone’s freedom; people will still be able to say and do what they choose at the game as long as their actions do not physically harm another person. And if someone is caught acting weird in such a way that police consider it suspicious, more than likely the worst thing that will happen is some quick questioning. The police, more than likely seeing that the person in question is intoxicated, will let him go and probably just tell him or her to lay off on the alcohol. In other words, its not a huge step towards authoritarian governments by having certain well trained law enforcement at the game.

  3. podawg says:

    One step, huge or not, is a step. Don’t be ignorant d*****bags.

  4. dennisshiraev says:

    I am not exactly sure how either of these comments display ignorance or qualify us for that rather disagreeable designation.

  5. jmb582 says:

    Calm it down there cowboy. The aliens are not out to get you.

  6. osheezie says:

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    “Please feel free and comfortable to post comment replies to any article, as we only ask a few things: please keep professional and intelligent debate, while refraining from personal attacks / ad-hominems, and vulgar language.”

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    Please, if you wish, actually read the article and the subsequent comments and reformulate your insult into an argument if you wish to partake in a discussion.

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