History Professor Rickford, criticized for calling Hamas attacks “exhilarating,” takes a semester leave amid demands for his...
A Cornell professor was caught tearing down a poster quoting Professor Rickford's remarks about Hamas.
In the wake of backlash to Professor Rickford and his comments on Hamas, law professor William Jacobson...
On Friday morning, protestors followed and surrounded a billboard truck demanding Professor Rickford's firing, eventually forcing it...
A mobile billboard demanding the firing of Professor Rickford attracted counterprotestors Friday morning.
Cornell history professor Russell Rickford spoke at a rally on Sunday, expressed excitement and support for Hamas.
On Thursday, the Student Assembly narrowly voted down a proposal to consider Resolution XX.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”...
The City of Ithaca Common Council approved a 15-year extension of the Memorandum of Understating that governs...
Several student groups on campus, including Students for Justice in Palestine and the Cornell Progressives, issued a...