“True conservative” – a descriptor not even Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson would ascribe to himself, yet...
Dean of Students candidate Vijay Pendakur participated in an open forum last Friday, during which he discussed...
The Cornell Republicans announced that they plan to make an announcement regarding a presidential endorsement later this...
Turning Its Entire Campus Into A Safe Space, Cornell Demonstrates Why It Is No University of Chicago
Turning Its Entire Campus Into A Safe Space, Cornell Demonstrates Why It Is No University of Chicago
On Thursday, Cornell Plantations announced that its Executive Director Christopher Dunn would recommend that the Cornell Board...
SAy it isn’t so! The Student Assembly (SA) held its first meeting of the school year last...
Whilst California’s Pacific Gas and Electric Company prepares to shutter the Golden State’s sole remaining nuclear plant,...
“The costs of divestment would be substantial, while its benefits are uncertain.” That’s how Henrick Bessembinder, Professor...
Suspended Cornell student Wofgang Ballinger is suing Cornell claiming numerous violations of his due process rights and...
On Thursday Cornell’s undergraduate Student Assembly passed a resolution by a 22-1 margin calling for mandatory faculty...
Every year Cornell students cap off the spring semester with Slope Day, a large concert held after...