Despite its work on day-to-day student life resolutions, Cornell’s Student Assembly (SA) garners the most attention for...
Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper has instigated some serious controversy over the war in Iraq, and critics love...
One Minute Run-Downs Presidents: Juliana Batista, ’16: Current Executive Vice-President of Student Assembly, co-writer of “We Were...
All bad things must come to an end. At Cornell, “biases have a corrosive effect on the...
Our sixth issue of the year and second of the spring semester was published today. We usually...
Melodies for Moms is a charity event hosted by Cornell’s Mountains for Moms, a club that works...
One-fifth of undergraduate students at Cornell are Jewish, yet somehow the University managed to end up on...
Cornell alumnus, liberal pundit and media personality Keith Olbermann (College of Arts and Life Sciences, ’79) took...
What a shame and an embarrassment for Cornell it was to feature MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry as the...
Update: Sig Pi’s suspension was lifted today. That makes one week. Who bet on one week? Anyone?...