January 27, 2025

5 thoughts on “Palestinian Human Rights Leader Condemns Hamas, BDS at Cornell Lecture

  1. “92,000” loses in the previous war is either a typo or incorrect!
    Otherwise, this speaker is good.

  2. Please correct the casualty figure as soon as possible. It is off by an order of magnitude. The Gaza war claimed about 2000 Arabs in Gaza, and the entire conflict since 1930 has claimed a TOTAL of 12,000 Palestinians.

    Bashar Assad killed more in the last few months than all the deaths in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict of the last 80 years!

    1. “Bashar Assad killed more in the last few months than all the deaths in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict of the last 80 years!”

      The problem is, the media looks at Arabs killing Arabs and yawns… it’s “business as usual, nothing to see”, just like the concept of “dog bites man” isn’t news.

      BUT–if a Jew kills a Palestinian in self-defense or to protect others the Palestinian is threatening, it automatically becomes an “extra-judicial execution” or a “crime against humanity”.

      The bias of the liberal Western media is incredible… and so blatant, they should be corrected with floods of e-mails on every article that fails to tell the truth.

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