March 4, 2025

11 thoughts on “Remi Kanazi at Cornell SJP Poetry Reading: Israel a ‘Racist, Exclusivist, Supremacist State’

  1. Naomi Friedman says:

    Thank you so much for reporting on this! It is very upsetting that a university of Cornell’s caliber is home to such activities and very astute of the author to point out the lies(such as the number of checkpoints) that serve as the basis of Kamazi’s anti-Israel anti-Semitic crusade.

  2. arnie draiman says:

    i think he has a lot of his ‘facts’ wrong….pity. it makes him significantly less credible.

  3. Ariely shein says:

    1984 George Orwell = 21 century Arabs, Palestinians
    George Orwell envisioned modern times Arabs.
    The famous 1984 sentences and 21 century Arabs version

    1: 1984- “War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (Reality,Facts is ignorance – Arabs conduit)
    (Brainwash is Truth-the Arabs mind)

    2:1984_“The best books… are those that tell you what you know already.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (Be aware of Arabs the people of one book – Quran)

    3: 1984 “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (If you want to destroy Israel and the western culture don’t say it- just act by Palestinian leaders to their people)

    4: 1984 “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (If you want a picture of the future-Islamism “uber alles”—imposing Islam ideology over all by an endless war)

    5: 1984 “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (We shall migrate to Europe, the place where there is no darkness leaving the darkness of Islam countries, later to impose the Islam darkness)

    6: 1984 “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (Doublethink means in Arab culture is- Lying declaration to the infidels in English and the truth goals in Arabic to their people)

    7: 1984 “Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (Perhaps a lunatic Palestinian is simple the one declaring coexistence with Israel)

    8: 1984 “Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”
    – 21 century of Arabs
    (Until the Arabs become conscious of the 21 century human values they will never rebel, and until after they maybe will rebel they are stacked in the 7 century Islamist conscious.)
    (Unfortunately for the frothing future the world will pay by many casualties)

  4. Corey Multer says:

    In the interests of political correctness and kowtowing to the fanatical radical liberals that have come to dominate American society, our institutions have developed policies allowing racism and discrimination against Jews as the last form of tolerated hatred. In particular our educational institutions have been overrun with Arab-funded hatred and propaganda using militant anti-American tactics to spread lies and indoctrinate the youth of this country. Parents need to arm their children with facts to counter the lies and a resolve to defend themselves, physically if necessary, against the terrorist tactics of these thugs.

  5. Denise Rubin says:

    There is no intelligent discourse in hate speech and any University or student group that sponsors such garbage is not being “liberal,” “open-minded,” or “politically correct.” You are bigots and anti Semites and should be ashamed of yourselves for giving this lying monster a platform to poison students with dishonest hate filled rants.

  6. david says:

    Remi Kanazi says, “I don’t want to coexist. I want to exist as a human being. And justice will take care of the rest.”

    He seems to presume justice to be some person. It is people who must be just.

    He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
    but to do justice, and to love kindness,
    and to walk humbly with your God? Michah 6:8

    Remi Kanazi, you must do justly. YOU MUST and not expect some phantom to do it for you.

  7. Mister says:

    I’m sure Hamas would be more than happy to accept himself and his family in Gaza and the WB.

    Let me know if you need help packing your bags

  8. Mark says:

    on Jul 31, 2015
    Two days after Mr Netanyahu controversially approved 300 new settler homes in the West Bank. A group of Israeli settlers has burned a Palestinian baby to death as they set fire to two houses in the occupied West Bank. Ali’s four-year-old brother and parents were seriously hurt, according to Gassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official from the Nablus area, who said the attackers baroke the house window and flung a burning object inside, causing ‘a quick and huge fire’.
    Boycott Israel

    1. Glenn Dornbaum says:

      Mark, I have never heard of such story. However, the Israeli government has consistently brought Israelis to justice who have brought harm to innocent Palestinians. If a few settlers do bad things, that does not justify boycotting the entire nation.

      Many of Israel’s enemies, like Hamas, openly support attacks on civilians. Since Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, Hamas has fired over 11,000 rockets into Israel. After two innocent Israelis were recently murdered, Hamas called the attacks “heroic.” They are savages.

      We must unequivocally support Israel in their war against Islamic jihad. You are either with Israel or with the savages.

      1. david says:

        Glenn Dornbaum, I’m with you. (and Jesus)

        1. May says:

          “You are either with Israel or with the savages.”

          Excuse me, please define whom you’re calling “savages” because, currently, Israel occupies Palestinian land and its conflict is with Palestinians and with Arabs. I certainly hope you’re not calling us savages, because that would be racist. Besides, you can be supportive of Israel and still be critical of its policies and the behavior of the IDF and the settlers.

          It’s ironic when economic sanctions are imposed on a nation due to its violation of human rights or international law, it’s all good and legal except when it involves Israel. Wake up, open your eyes, have some introspection and learn compassion. One thing I admire about about all my Jewish friends is their dedication and commitment to the fight for justice, equality and human rights. I wish the Zionist would learn from them.

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