March 6, 2025

2 thoughts on “Response to False Accusations Against The Cornell Review

  1. Let me google that for you... says:

    Statistical evidence that, on the whole, nearly twice as many Republicans (conservatives) are negative towards members of the LGBTQ community than Democrats (liberals):

    Unless a lot has changed since 2008 when this study of over 2,000 people was conducted, I think it’s still relatively accurate.

    I do understand, however, how you might take offense to this individual’s jab. I think this was actually best explained to me by comedian W. Kamau Bell a little while back… he spoke on racism, and why white people feel bad in the presence of racism, and quite frankly, it’s because we’re white. To break that down, on the whole, white people tend to be more frequently racist than other races. Am I white? Yes. Am I racist? I don’t believe so (please tell me if I’m wrong). The same goes for sexual assault… most sexual assaults are committed by males… am I male? Yes. Have I ever committed/do I ever plan to commit sexual assault? No. But when I hear people go after men for their role in sexual assault, it makes me upset. Is it wrong for those people to address men on their role in sexual assault? No. But why do I feel bad? Association.

    By calling the Review a conservative publication, it associates itself with other conservative things, like the Republican party, for instance, which on the whole has a decently strong stance against the LGBTQ community (again, reference link to chart above). Might the writing of the Review be aimed towards attacking the LGBTQ community? I hope not. Does the claim that you are make you feel bad? Yes. Why? Association. You might personally be supportive of the LGBTQ community, but conservatism as a whole is not supportive of it, and that’s why a jab at that fact would make you feel bad (or you personally are not supportive of the LGBTQ community as a whole, in which case Mr. Top’s jab was correctly guided and you are feeling bad because someone holds views opposing yours that hold more weight than your own argument).

    Similarly, as a piece of literary advice; if you want people to believe your side of the argument, you don’t start by using childish laments on how this article in question is both “borderline pornographic” and “terribly boring.” It’s like saying “I’ve studied all of the speeches Obama has given and concluded that he is a moron, so you shouldn’t vote for him.” Whatever validity or reason you could’ve had in the rest of the article was lost for me when I read your first four or so paragraphs.

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