February 23, 2025

5 thoughts on “Santorum Greeted by Protests, Hissing at Yale

  1. Srikanth Palanisamy says:

    This “insightful explanation” is a load of crap. It’s Santorum’s desire to control that has modern academia so riled up, not vice versa. His desire to control women’s uteruses, about whether or not my best friend (who is gay) is a second class citizen, whether or not a Cornellian with a near flawless GPA should
    be deported when he’s been in America since he was a child. His bigotry is what we have a problem with, his inability to extend basic humanity and sympathy to others. Please stop making excuses for this bigot. He deserves all the abuse he gets.

  2. DL Sams says:

    Yale – bastion of diversity (unless you’re conservative, Christian, patriotic, believe in smaller government, believe in personal responsibility, believe that killing children in the womb is evil, believe anything OTHER THAN THEY BELIEVE).

  3. George says:

    The Yale Daily Review and it’s constituency is SICK! I’m not sure a doctor can prescribe a cure they would wish to swallow!

  4. June Wilson says:

    Sounds like the students from “Yale” have peanuts for brains.

  5. genomega1 says:

    Yet they wonder why they can’t find a job after graduation…

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