February 23, 2025

4 thoughts on “Slope Day = Snore Day

  1. osheezie says:

    I’m probably going to be with you as far as staying home goes. But hopefully there will be a live video feed so I can at least watch Nicole Sherzinzceurggser [sic]. Seriously though, this definitely seems like a downgrade. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Eric Clapton will open for them or something…

  2. Don says:

    I LOVE THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS and I will definitely be going! Don’t make such general assumptions just because YOU don’t like them. They are fun and I love dancing to them so they are a perfect group to headline Slope Day in my opinion. =)

  3. Steve Herron says:

    Kanye wasn’t the headliner that year. O.A.R. was, bra.

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