March 31, 2025

4 thoughts on “Sotomayor Nomination

  1. Oliver Renick says:

    As a side note: I have a real problem with the fact that no matter what website or blog you read about this selection, they constantly have to bring up (if not in the headline) the fact that she is an Hispanic woman. Why are people so obsessed with race and all the political correctness surrounding it? Let’s not cloud the issue at hand; let’s thoroughly examine her record and what she brings to, and takes from, the table. This is always the case whenever a minority gets elected to any position. If we’re really concerned about being colorblind, then we should stop mentioning it. The best way to make something normal and customary is to stop pointing out every time it occurs.

  2. Mateo Gomez says:

    Agree with Oliver!

  3. jdfarragut says:

    Whoever is eventually confirmed will almost surely be liberal, so I’d prefer said liberal to not be a judicial powerhouse (like Souter!). It’s kind of how I don’t want Nancy Pelosi to go away; whoever replaces her will be similarly awful politically, but not nearly as pathetic in general.

  4. jdfarragut says:

    I should also add, it seems in terms of liberalism that Obama could have done much worse. Of course, you never really know until the justice gets there. We shall see! And yes, she will definitely be confirmed.

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