In an apparent effort to ease the pain of finals week, Cornell Minds Matter is giving away food, a few other things, and providing relief by allowing people to… touch fluffy animals? This is has got to be at least the fifth time I’ve seen some kind of camelid drawing a crowd around Ho Center.
But really, what is the obsession with llamas? Frankly I’m getting just a little tired of these even-toed ungulates crowding my walking space. They’re everywhere, all the time. I won’t be surprised when there’s a giraffe at the next frat party pressuring me to take a 40-ft beer bong.
For once I’d like to infiltrate the giant crowd of ecstatic Cornellians to find them clamoring around something a little more exciting; an alligator, a free-money giveaway, a Jessica Alba look-a-like contest with auction, a washed-up Full House actor… or something. But until then I guess we should all get a little more accommodated with llamas. For whoever it was that thought this shaggy creature was a horse, allow me provide a diagram (with actual scientific

labeling). My personal favorite llama body parts are:
2. ‘Poll‘
10. ‘Hock‘
13. ‘Cannon bone‘
17. ‘Barrel‘
26. ‘Jowl‘