February 23, 2025

4 thoughts on “Student Assembly Calls for Renaming Columbus Day as ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

  1. Dave Williams says:

    Ah, but that’s just the point…liberals don’t want to, you know, actually DO something to remedy conditions for people. This is especially the case if one of their sacred oxen would get gored in the process: removing the socialistic conditions on reservations that have obtained for decades now would indeed have an actual positive impact, but don’t hold your breath for the left to lead the charge on that one. Like religion or other forms of magical thinking, liberalism is content to adjust an entity’s name rather than its content, and then sit back smugly and contemplate its own soi-disant moral superiority. How anyone over the age of 17 can actually buy into such a bankrupt and ridiculous belief system puzzles me.
    Keep up the good fight.

    Dave Williams, ’75, ’94

  2. David Breznick says:

    A $2 BILLION dollar educational facility is being constructed by Cornell on New York City’s ROOSEVELT Island. Roosevelt Island. Named after Franklin D. The Cornell SA should vote to change its name to Indigenous People’s Island.

  3. Floridiano says:

    Everything in this article is excellent, especially the graphic:

    About twenty years ago my wife and I visited a relative of hers out of state; she was a divorced older lady that had in her home all the family pictures altered with happy-face stickers placed over her ex-husband’s face (her version of damnatio memoriae, I suppose). I commented to my wife what kind of psychological impression that must have left in her young son’s psyche while growing up in that house…

    My genealogy and heritage come from the Indigenous Taino and Spanish that settled in the Caribbean. Their bloodline basically frames them as my ‘mother’ and ‘father’. So my father possesses an unsavory history compared to today’s behavior standards. Does this mean I have to surrender my father’s legacy so that I may become the offspring of a harlot- a man without a father? And this, just to satisfy the fit of morality these misguided and indulgent students want to satiate themselves with?

    I’d like to see this question directed back to them to hear what kind of response they would provide. It seems they have much to learn about life, so it would be best for them to do so introspectively as to not cause the further expense of harm or hurt to others they do not know about directly.

    Thank you, Cornell Review.

  4. Leonard Alby says:

    Ann Coulter helped start this newspaper. Talk about stains of history…

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