March 6, 2025

1 thought on “Student Assembly Moves to Pass Hate Crimes and Speech Bill

  1. David Behar says:

    I would like to have someone test this theory of Free Speech rights on the grounds of a private university. It is already Supreme Court settled doctrine that public universities may not infringe on free speech.

    If anyone has privte property, see the deed. The property line extends to the side walk, and even to the middle of the street. That is the owner is liable to people who slip on his sidewalk. That is why the city may fine the owner for not sweeping the side walk in front of snow.

    Can the owner bar protesters or people of a color from the sidewalk if picketing or walking in the proper time and manner? The answer is no. The owner may not discriminate against any invitee walking on his sidewalk, based on race, sex, religion, etc, but also may not discriminate based on viewpoint. He may exclude people from his dining room, inside, but not from the public sidewalk.

    The campus is the sidewalk, open to public invitees, and not the dining room of the property. The university may not discriminate or exclude based on viewpoint discrimination.
    The privte

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