On Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024, at 5 p.m. Robert C Platt ‘73 will speak in Room 182...
Academic Freedom
The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) released a new survey of campus free speech trends...
In regard to a Review column defending Professor Rickford’s ability to freely speak without consequences, I wholeheartedly...
Harvard is not unique among Ivy League colleges for its plagiarism issue. Is plagiarism an endemic disease...
Cornell University experienced a tumultuous year with events affecting free speech, campus politics, and campus culture. The...
On November 16, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education announced that...
On November 9th around 3 pm, a group of around 70 students gathered outside of Klarman hall...
On November 6, Michael Knowles, a Daily Wire show host and conservative commentator lectured at Cornell University.
On November 6th, Michael Knowles will speak at Cornell on “The Mirage of Free Speech” in Warren...
What has not been talked about enough is the scourge of anti-semitism at Cornell.