Unfortunately, Cornell has instead enacted a complicated and much-misunderstood enforcement mechanism under Title IX and Cornell Policy...
Academic Freedom
President Pollack addressed the assembly for the first time following the high-profile rejection of Resolution 31,...
The SA has embarrassed itself, students, and the university in national media, and the attempts by the...
What he has found is that many parents are not in favor of these developments. “I don't...
On April 4, the MIT Free Speech Alliance and the MIT Adam Smith Society held a much...
Resolution 31 is an embarrassment, particularly for students. In fact, this debacle is only an embarrassment for...
Pollack has rejected SA Res. 31., for it “would infringe on our core commitment to academic freedom...
On Thursday, April 13, the Cornell Republicans, the Cornell Review, and Cornell Political Union will be co-hosting...
On March 28, the University Assembly (UA) met in the Physical Sciences Building to discuss free speech...
Three proposed resolutions seek to delay tenure in the College of Business, hire a gynecologist at Cornell...