March 31, 2025

5 thoughts on “The 2000’s Sucked

  1. Rusty says:

    This was the decade that sucked. Tell everyone so that someday in the future our children and they’re children will read in their history books that “American’s generally agreed that “This decade sucked””.

  2. Rusty 2 says:

    I agree, the decade was simply awful. 2000-2009 marked the proliferation of assholes as the dominant societal group. Racial, political and sexual affiliations/orientations are no longer the driving force in dividing society…now it’s just a struggle for the 5% of decent Americans to avoid or learn to live in disharmony with the 95% asshole population.

    I agree with the chart above, and as a result, I blame the downfall of America almost entirely on reality television and opinion shows.

  3. MelMujica says:

    2000s sucked hardcore. technology improved but music, tv, movies the economy, the war and people WENT TO SHIT!!!

  4. Jesse says:

    Yeah, screw this decade. To me it seems like pretty much everything sucked after 2005.
    I was 13 in 2000. If you count the decade as starting in 2001, then start there…

    2000~ Pro wrestling still alive and good video games. Like stuff for the ps1 and N64. Games are kiddy but still enjoyable for adults.
    2001~WCW and ECW close. WWF okay. Some good music, like “Puddle of Mudd’s” “Come Clean” CD is released.
    2002 and 2003 ~ WWE Drops the bomb and becomes unwatchable. Good music, like “The Vines,” “The White Stripes,” “Seether,” ” Queens of the Stone Age,” “Audioslave,” etc. Lots of good video games. Games are now grown up and are made to look like a suave and grown man’s toy.

    2004…okay music, like Velvet Revolver, new Queens of the Stone Age CD, and others…although crappy cheap rap music is starting to become mainstream. Overall, this was an okay year.

    2005…Last “OKAY” year… Saturday Morning cartoons were passable this year. Also, still good video games…
    2006…CRAP JOB MARKET. G4 loses everything it has going for it, and starts to become a lame version of SPIKE TV. Kids WB threw in the towel this year and FOX kids became progressively lamer. Also, lame HD NEXT GEN CONSOLES come out for fanboys and people with no life. I lose lots of friends to online gaming while I’m out having a life.

    2007~ CRAPPIER JOB MARKET. There were still some shows I watched on Comedy Central and loved, like “THE SHOWBIZ SHOW” AND “DRAWN TOGETHER”…

    2008~ MAD TV gets canceled, leaving us with the lame and unfunny SNL for late night viewing on the weekends. Economy dies.

    Then every year after that, life kept getting dumber and dumber…with more un-original music and more lame movies and reality tv shows. SERIOUSLY, remember when TLC and Discovery used to show documentaries instead of reality tv shows? AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON GAS PRICES OR THE “FLOURISHING JOB MARKET!!!” I feel so screwed. I’m in my early 20’s and should be able to enjoy life, right? WRONG!!! I worked hard and saved my money to get where I am at and now part time minimum retail positions are all have to stay afloat??? No doubt wE will all look back to this point in our life and cry.

  5. 636737 says:

    They dont SUCK you suck!! 2000s were awesome

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