In his first couple of days in office, Joe Biden has already taken action to further an open borders agenda that will wreak havoc on the nation for years to come. In a slew of executive orders and memorandums, the 46th president ordered a hundred day freeze on all deportations, demanded the construction of the southern border wall be halted, and instructed that all illegal immigrants are to be counted in the census survey for purposes of congressional apportionment.
Inspired by Biden’s destructive executive orders and promises of amnesty, a caravan of 8,000 migrants from South America marched towards the United States with hopes of gaining entry into the country through our now porous Southern border. The group was stopped not by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, but by the government of Honduras due to a Trump-Era agreement.
While advocates for unfettered immigration may invoke the Statue of Liberty when making the case for open borders, they neglect to recognize that there are many tired, hungry, and sick American citizens. According to a report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 10.7 million Americans are unemployed. Similarly, the Department of Agriculture published an economic research report in 2018 that found an estimated 37 million Americans were food insecure. Feeding America, a nonprofit organization dedicated to eradicating hunger, projects this number has increased to 50.4 million due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Even prior to the pandemic, Americans have been struggling. Since 1979, real wages have fallen for people with lower levels of education and risen for people with college degrees. With median wages remaining stagnant for decades, and income inequality rapidly increasing due to the pandemic, the last thing American workers need is an influx of cheap labor being imported into the country. Illegal immigrants will further drive down wages, compete for American jobs, and serve as a burden on an already strained healthcare system.
Borders have always been a prerequisite for a nation-state. When there are no borders, there is no defined territory over which a sovereign country can govern. Over the past few decades, we’ve seen increasing attacks on national independence and freedom. Across the Atlantic, the European Union has been established as a supranational institution that supersedes the authority of independent nations. Here in the United States, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a group of Brazilian bankers her dream is a Hemispheric common market with open borders. The European Economic Community was founded as such a common market, and has led to the loss of national sovereignty.
Those on the far left wish to see the abolition of our borders because they would like to see the abolition of our country as we know it. That is why Senator Elizabeth Warren called for tearing down Trump’s border wall. Why far left activists call for the abolishment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Why the propaganda outlets in the media smeared former President Trump and his supporters as “racist”. The attacks on border security and those who support it are attacks on the nation-state itself. America must reject Biden’s globalist vision and this assault on our independence.