A new Clint Eastwood Ad recently started airing in the battleground states. Its main message: American cannot survive a second Obama term. It’s no secret that Clint Eastwood is a Republican; he even spoke at the RNC giving a relatively iconic empty chair speech. But I think his contributions highlight an interesting perspective regarding the Hollywood media. People always associate Hollywood as being a left-wing, toxic-waste, liberal brainwashing institution (or I should say many Republicans do), yet there are still many conservatives that also are apart of the Hollywood media. These Republicans are not loud and proud (so to speak), but there presence is nonetheless influential. Take, for example, the very popular Batman Franchise, directed by conservative Chris Nolan. The movies, though about a superhero, seemed to have become more and more conservative in nature. A wealthy business man taking justice into his own hands because corrupt politicians and an ineffective judicial system have left a city run by criminals (based on my hometown of Chicago by the way) is the perfect dramatization of conservative republican principles. Even the most recent Batman movie almost demonized the Occupy Wall Street protesters. The point is that the media seems to be showing some conservative life, something worth considering when analyzing popular culture. This isn’t to say Hollywood will be the next Texas, but at least there are some people willing stand up for the conservative ideals. And for that, I applaud them.
For the Clint Eastwood Ad go here: http://on.wsj.com/SikVe4