Before I begin, I would like to first acknowledge the obviously controversial nature of the topic of my opinion. I cannot make clear enough that the principal concern of my analysis, expressly, is the unnecessary and politicized proliferation of gender theory in public school systems, particularly the deliberate facilitation of discussion of these ideas with children who are too young to understand the implications of gender theory. Insofar as there are grown, fully developed adults who, for one reason or another, determine that they would like to undergo surgery or some other transition process on their own dime, I have no qualms. Insofar as there are individuals out there who suffer from gender dysphoria, Kleinfeldter’s syndrome, or other naturally-occurring chemical imbalances, I maintain sympathy for them as I do for all others in our world afflicted with conditions which they cannot control.
I am not denying anyone of their humanity, and to assume that such an ugly motive exists underneath a rational argument is to act in bad faith. The nature of this discussion, in my view, shifts when we begin to seriously consider the possible allocation of taxpayer dollars to pursuing pseudoscientific ends. It shifts especially when we begin to seriously discuss the deliberate inculcation of schoolchildren in public institutions who are clearly too young to entertain the merits and weaknesses of postmodern gender deconstructionism independent of external influence. Of all culture war battles that have marred the American political discourse in recent years, few have proven themselves to be as salient and fundamentally important as the proliferation of pseudoscientific gender theory in public school systems.
The Left and its propagandists in the offices of the New York Times, CNN, et al. have lambasted Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the recently and falsely labeled “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” Of course, the bill is a common-sense, agreeable piece of legislation that many Floridians support. The bill is not meant to crush and repress the LGBTQ community, nor is it some contemporary American parallel to the heinous Nuremberg Codes, as disingenuous celebrities and journalists would suggest. Instead, it simply gives parents of children in grades K-3 reassurance that discussions of sexual orientation and other such things will not be pushed on their kids by the activist teachers who increasingly occupy public school faculties across the United States.
Many on the right, particularly the reactionary meme crowd on Twitter, find the general push to inculcate children with nonsensical, disorienting ideas about their identities and the Left’s meltdown over the Florida bill to be indicative of a larger push to eradicate all standards, including those that regulate sexual deviancy and pedophilia. Plenty of ink has been spilled by prominent and excellent conservative journalists, such as Spencer Lindquist of the Federalist and Christopher Rufo, on the subject and bringing examples of its manifestations in our nation’s vital institutions to light.
There has been a reactionary move from many on the right to categorize the forces pushing gender theory on schoolchildren as groomers, pedophiles, or freaks. Although it is objectively strange and inappropriate to discuss these matters with K-3 children, to assume that this push from the radical Left stems exclusively from a pervasive sexual deviancy is ignorant.
The proponents of these theories and the inculcation of young children do not do so because they wish to molest children, by and large. Instead, the vast majority of the radicals and especially activist public-school teachers seek to enact an American Cultural Revolution, whether they realize the eventual aims of the movement’s incrementalism or not. The principal aim of introducing gender theory and a host of other pseudoscientific Leftist delusions to young children is to destabilize the nuclear family unit to affect a clean social break from the traditional American values and precepts which the parents of these children may hold. The goal is to drive a wedge between generations, particularly within the nuclear family unit which has served as the primary vessel for generations to hand down traditional values to their young. There is no better, quicker, and more effective means of doing so at the Left’s disposal today than by means of the Trojan Horse that is postmodern gender theory.
The Left, should it have its way, will use the public education system as a network of factories for “agents of change” and social justice advocates; the inculcation in the classrooms leads young, impressionable children to view their own parents as backwards, bigoted rubes who are clinging to superficial notions of American values or tradition simply because they are ignorant or stand to lose status if the social justice warrior’s utopia came to be. They want these children to roll their eyes at their supposedly-”too-stupid” parents, eventually growing to resent the values which many in their parents’ generation (and those before them) have maintained. The radicalization and deployment of youths in school systems to serve as the foot-soldiers for radical social and economic shifts to the left is standard procedure from authoritarian leftist movements that wish to rapidly destabilize the more conservative status quo.
The American Left, not unlike Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, is dead-set on using the school system to achieve political ends, regardless of the nastiness and tragedy that such tactics sow invariably. Florida and several other states are merely the first to understand and attack the ignominious long-term objectives of the activist teachers that have flooded the system, but this is a nationwide problem: from South Florida, to the Finger Lakes, to Seattle and San Diego. The gender theory movement and its allies in the press do their best to obfuscate the intentions and moral basis of their outrage, but strong leaders like DeSantis have brought the issue into the mainstream discourse. Especially in the wake of remote learning through the pandemic, parents are waking up to the ideological indoctrination of their children in many public-school systems whose students underperform with respect to reading, writing, and quantitative skills.
It goes without saying that Gov. DeSantis is absolutely correct in his reasoning and ethos with regard to the much-maligned bill. However, conservatives, and decent Americans of differing political persuasions, need to understand commonly that the educational policies and preferences of the radical, gender-theory espousing Left represent a far greater, more dangerous threat to the United States and its people than allowing for perverted teachers to prey on students with ready-made discussions about sexuality.
The end goal is to destabilize and discredit the nuclear family as the basic unit of social organization. It is no coincidence that the Left views the nuclear family as a bastion of traditionalism and conservative values. To their credit, the American radical Left has found ways to make incremental gains in the culture over the course of many decades, taking advantage of the fact that most Americans will go along to get along when the social cost of taking a stand is greater than the perceived individual benefit. However, like all transformative Leftist cultural movements that preceded it, the resurgent American Left will fail if it is unable to inculcate and weaponize the idealism of youth to suit its political ends.
The Left ultimately aims to convert young students into agents of social change in the public-school and university systems, indoctrinated to trust fringe deconstructionist theories as fact. They are betting that this indoctrination will ultimately provide a logical justification to young people to view their own parents and ancestors as rubes who do not care to understand the nuances of modern “science.” By extension, the goal is to paint everything those older generations typically stand for on a cultural and moral level as similarly backwards and ignorant.
The radical and strategic Left realizes this. It is for this precise reason that the postmodern Left and its allies (Disney) are so desperately trying to confuse and destabilize the nuclear family with cancerous and pseudoscientific gender theories. American conservatives, on both the grassroots and national apparatus level, must understand the aims and strategies of the opposition in order to effectively counter them. Right now, it seems that conservatives, and decent Americans of many other political persuasions, are largely missing the forest for the trees.