February 22, 2025

2 thoughts on “The Sun Reports on Planned Parenthood

  1. ezrakernell says:

    I think that criticizing them for this one is harsh. This is a news piece covering an event. They generally made it clear that this was the opinion of the speaker. However, that photo caption quotation that you mentioned in your last line was said as a matter of fact, but I think they intended to repeat the speaker’s message there, too. You are right, though, that they should have included some opposing views and general comments from students on both sides.

    Even though I am not strictly against abortions, I find the constant tagline of “women’s reproductive rights” to be unconvincing. The counterargument is that her right to choose conflicts with someone’s right to live, and I think that they haven’t responded to that. But I have, in this article I wrote a few weeks ago on the topic: http://ezrakernell.wordpress.com/2011/04/03/the-abortion-article/

  2. R. Patrick McCaffrey says:

    Hey Ezrakernell,

    Thanks for commenting. I’m not prepared to argue about the ethics of abortion. I enjoyed reading your blog post and I think you presented the problem well. Blog posts like yours are more interesting than Sun report i responded too (and i’m not implying news reports are irrelevant).What I am better equipped to deal with are the claims that Planned Parenthood makes that I don’t find entirely truthful. As i’m sure you understood, that was my focus on this post.

    And yes, you are right, the Sun was only reporting on the issue and the reporter/author did her job well. I was not trying to pick on this author. But in the context of what other reporting the Sun has reporting (see: the links provided in the first article of story), it seemed appropriate to criticize the Sun on the grounds of being a repeat-offender.

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