March 6, 2025

4 thoughts on “The Tonight Show With Barack Obama

  1. osheezie says:

    I would like to add: (although I realize this doesn’t really get anyone anywhere..but) has anybody considered what the media response would be if Bush were to show up on ESPN and late night talk shows during an American crisis? Please! He would be crucified.

  2. Deirdre says:

    Ditto, ditto….if Bush were to show up on late night talk, he surely would be crucified, as would any President. What makes Americans cringe is Obama’s giggling, laughing and smirking which shows his naivety, inexperience and makes him look most UNPRESIDENTIAL. His thoughtless arrogance will surely be his demise. His actions, to date, can be compared to a bull in a china closet. To top it off, he talks to Leno without thinking when comparing his bowling to Special Olympics. How very sad! In all sincerity, and not to make fun of the Special Olympics……but maybe Obama truly belongs in the Special Olympics for saying something like that…remember without that teleprompt, there’s no way of knowing who this man really is. Americans are in for a big shocker with this one!

  3. Karol says:

    Obama’s good looks and teleprompter speaking got him elected but there is no experience, no substance there. It is all arrogance and smirk. He will continue to fool many of the people for a while but somewhere along the way – probably year two – America will catch on and it will be an uphill battle for Obama and unfortunately for America.

  4. razahoda says:

    Had Bush cracked a joke like that about the Special Olympics, we’d still be getting an ear load about it from the media. Obama’s slip-up seemed to receive pretty minimal coverage; the news hour, for example, mentioned it only in passing and chose to focus more on the AIG bonuses:

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