March 31, 2025

3 thoughts on “Time to get real; Israel v. Gaza

  1. dennisshiraev says:

    Krauthammer always seems to hit the nail on the head.

  2. lucas renick says:

    What an article. Excellent discussion that gets to the heart of the issue: Hamas’ goal is the eradication of the state of Israel. Somehow most of the general populace does not know this – every time Israel gets fed up enough to drop bombs, they call the Israelis the oppressors. It is as if they see the Israeli’s response as unprovoked and irrational, as if they only “tuned in” once Israel gets serious. Almost like if a kid gets beaten every day for his lunch money and then one day when the bullies come he knocks them out cold. If the crowd only saw the kid’s response they would think HE is the bully. However, if they had paid any attention to the kid all along they would know his actions were more than justified.

  3. cberty says:

    What’s interesting about today’s conflict in Gaza is that it is serving as somewhat of a proxy war, or dress rehearsal for what may be coming when Iran goes nuclear. I find it interesting that “new Europe”(France and Germany)prefers engagement with Iran preferable to military intervention, in hopes of stopping their nuclear ambitions, and only use of the military as a last resort. However, their condemnation of Israel’s intervention in Gaza is proof positive that they will never confront Iran.
    Well, as I see it, Hamas, in Gaza, is an extension of Iran and it has been showing it’s true intentions-the destruction of Israel. Thank God that their(Hamas’) rockets are only short range and militarily non-viable. If Israel is condemned by “new Europe” for defending themselves against the Iranian arm-Hamas, today, then how will she ever be able to gain support for a strike against Iran before they go nuclear with viable and dangerous long-range missiles. So as I see it Iran’s march to nuclear status will proceed without interference.
    What’s disappointing is that if a strong show of support for Israel was now taken while it fights against Hamas then it could be a deterrent to future Iranian hostilities. It doesn’t seem the case, however, as the mainstream press lambastes Israel and Europe waffles. I’m sure Iran is watching, taking note and smiling.
    As a side note, after hearing that Bush refused Israel’s request for access to fly over Iraqi airspace for a possible strike at Iran’s nuclear reactor it seems he has allowed a three week window between the end of his Presidency and the “messiah’s” so that Israel can at least destroy Hamas. A sort of farewell gift for Olmert. So i would expect the bombs to fall until Obama says “so help me God”.

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