January 21, 2025

3 thoughts on “COBURN | The Trump University Court Controversy

  1. President Bill Clinton was impeached and his law license suspended, for perjury and obstruction of justice. That stopped none of his followers from idolizing him, by the way.

  2. If you think Trump is a racist who sees any color other than green, you are a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Take a look at his life and career; he has always hired and worked with people of all walks of life.

    If you think Megyn Kelly isn’t an exploiter (establishment) tool who tried to take down Trump, and you think Trump is a misogynist because of the bloodlust comments he made regarding her (while making bloodlust comments about Chris Wallace at the same time) then you are a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Just like any true capitalist, Trump states “I’m just oblivious to a person’s gender” when dealing with people.

    If you think Trump is an isolationist because he wants fair trade, you are a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. “Free-trade” comes at a huge cost to workers in developed countries! The end result is that America will produce nothing and will provide no services outside our borders because services and products will always be cheaper from poorer countries. Anyone who says anything else concerning free-trade is either lying through their teeth, or is completely clueless!

    If you think Trump, who continually says “I love Mexican people,” is a xenophobe because he wants to secure our southern border, you are a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Illegal immigration is destroying our society (their children are almost always below grade level so teachers have to spend most of their time teaching at that level, they lower our wages, they abuse welfare, they bring gangs, and they bring drugs); 90% of the cocaine here comes through our southern border; 80% of the meth and heroin here comes through our southern border!

    If you think Trump wants to punish women for having abortions, you are a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Trump said he made a gaffe during convoluted conversations about hypothetical situations. He has clarified that in the real world he would like to see abortion regulations left up to each state.

    If you think Trump is ignorant because he thinks it might be more pragmatic for Japan to have a nuke rather than having 54,000 U.S. troops stationed there at our expense, you are a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. The simple fact is that nothing ensures sovereignty like having a nuke. No country with a nuke has been or ever will be invaded. We would have never invaded Iraq if they had a nuke; in fact, the best evidence that we knew they didn’t really have any WMDs was the fact we invaded them. The 54,000 troops we have in Japan are absolutely no deterrent for North Korea, China, or anyone else; what deters them is the fact we have nukes. Furthermore, what would happen to Japan if they can’t defend themselves and we go bankrupt over the next decade or so?

  3. Trump University was a venture consisting of real estate seminars and guidance. It never offered any college credits; you couldn’t get public loans for it. It was similar to Dave Del Dotto’s real estate training advertised in the early 1990s. People who are saying it pretended to be a REAL university either have no integrity or are simply tools who just parrot whatever they hear. Customers who wanted their money back within the time period allotted were given their money back. Just like any training, many benefited from it while many others did not. You actually have to make an effort and put that training to use afterward.

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