March 31, 2025

2 thoughts on “It Turns Out That Socialism is Very Popular in America

  1. David Behar says:

    Communism may be defined as a continuous measure, like height or temperature. If one defines it as the fraction of the GDP controlled by central government, America is 90% Commie. One does not have to have title to a business to control it. Regulation is sufficient.

    Wages have been suppressed to enrich the Bolshevik billionaires that own the Democratic Party by importation of immigrants at all levels of skills, all the way up to the professions, and the jobs requiring innovation and creativity.

    Donald Trump rolled back regulation the tiniest amount, and the economy exploded. There is now a labor shortage, in part from the stopping of immigration. The constituents of the Democratic Party, females, blacks, Hispanics, young people, have benefitted the most. Now the Bolshevik billionaires are apoplectic. Through their media outlets and through their Democrat politicians, they are attacking Trump, and doing nothing else, to get rid of him.

  2. Alex Clark says:

    David, I don’t accept your definition of communism as “a fraction of the GDP controlled by government.” How does that work? Secondly, even if that were true, you are wrong. Where did you get that 90% figure? The total government spending (federal, state and local) as a percentage of GDP is estimated to be at 36% this year. I don’t think even the Soviet Union had government spending constitute 90% Of GDP.

    While it is true many in business support high immigration as a means to exploit immigrants for their labor, those businessmen influence both political parties.

    How exactly has “the economy exploded” under Trump? The stock market is not an indicator of how most Americans are doing, just those wealthy enough to own considerable amounts of stock. We just got out of a painful government shutdown that cost the US $6 billion according to CNBC. Moreover, the corporate tax cut has largely fizziled out, producing no meaningful economic growth through corporate investment or wage/bonus increases. Corporations largely used the money they received in useless, and I’d argue morally dubious, stock buybacks which benefited very few people.

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