February 23, 2025

2 thoughts on “WARREN | Yes, I will #PrayforParis

  1. Bubba says:

    What a great piece. This author is a really good writer and is on her way to be a very successful women in whatever field she chooses. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. gary fouse says:

    Let us not forget the Jews who were targeted in Paris.

    As a part-time teacher at the Univ of California at Irvine (and a Gentile), I have seen and heard first-hand how the anti-Israel drive and BDS is motivated by anti-Semitism.

    Please read the below report by the AMCHA Initiative. This report is the result of a year-long study by an organization established by two UC professors to combat anti-Semitism on UC campuses.


    We are witnessing a world-wide resurgence in anti-Semitism. In the US, the focal point for this resurgence is on our college campuses.

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