March 31, 2025

5 thoughts on “Watch out for Right-Wing Extremism

  1. Sams_G-rant says:

    Fear me, ignorant masses!! I shall destroy your perfect little world at all costs!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! Yeah right.

  2. Paul Craft says:

    Though I agree the report rests on certain political assumptions (i.e. passionate right-wing political activity is so extreme that we have to fear), I do want to soberly remind us of Timothy McVeigh’s actions in 1995. Unfortunately, fringe elements do exist on the right and have used force before.

    The timing/tone, etc. might have been political, but the threat, historically speaking, is real and not purely political.

  3. ajax says:

    This really is funny to watch the right turn so bitter after losing. What did this paper say when the Bush Administration listed ELF and ALF as equal in threat with Al-Qaeda? The groups were labeled “eco-terrorists” for committing, and I quote from the FBI, “acts of violence against property.” Now I can say for sure, but I’d want to say that inanimate objects cannot be terrorized.

    Now Homeland Security addresses the racist hate speech that undeniably falls under the banner of the American Right, and this is political targeting? Honestly I expected no less from this sham paper, but really this is just desperate.

    Oh and stop advertising through unrelated Facebook groups, I know that it can get lonely when you have lost all relevance and need people to pay attention to you still, but please don’t clutter my inbox with spam, especially if all you are going to do is reiterate Matt Drudge’s headlines.

  4. dennisshiraev says:


    I’ll leave it to the author of this post to respond fully, but just one point about your comparison to ELF/ALF. I think inanimate objects can certainly be terrorized. A good example would be the $100 million worth of property that has been destroyed by ELF and related groups over the past several decades. It is truly amazing that they have not killed anyone with their attacks yet, especially considering that they are using more and more and more incendiary devices in their grand plan for “liberating the earth.”

  5. Krycheq says:

    I hate to say it, but we asked for this when we allowed that pretend/poser conservative dubbya to create the fear-culture and surveillance state that we have today. It’s not right, no matter who is the target/subject of the report. If they’re American, they’re above reproach and innocent until proven guilty.

    So here’s a lesson for all you neocons out there:

    A real Republican supports the reduction of the government in all aspects of life, not the crazy wild expansion of government we’ve seen for the past 8 years because a real Republican realizes the truth in Thomas Paine’s statement that “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

    A real Republican supports the reduction of government spending where ever and whenever possible, not the wild outlandish deficit spending we’ve seen all in the name of saving us from da terrorists because he’s read Adam Smith and knows the role of government spending, government finance, central banking, and where wealth is derived from.

    A real Republican doesn’t ask what the government’s solution is to a given issue, he asks “is it even necessary for the government to HAVE any role in the solution to begin with?” (By the way, the answer to that question is “no” 99% of the time).

    A real Republican doesn’t say “here’s a good idea; let’s create a bureaucracy called the Department of Fatherland Security to make sure that terrorists don’t strike and then fill it with high-school dropouts, street thugs, and overweight government pencil pushers, lump FEMA into it, take people’s guns away, build concentration camps, and hand out freebies to our friends so they give us good jobs when we don’t get re-elected”. A real Republican does two things in response to a crisis; strikes first by building real and meaningful relationships with partners across the world that have mutual interest in commerce and security, and then, empowers the citizens of this nation and tells them “hey, if you see something that doesn’t look right, call your local sheriff and stand next to him to back him up when he shows up to put it down… and if things get dicey, ask him to share a gun if you didn’t bring yours.”

    A real Republican doesn’t drive an SUV like an idiot down the road with a big W on his bumper, speeding out of church Sunday morning cutting people off, flipping them the finger, and crying about abortion, gun control, gay marriage and terrorism (but I see lots of people like this). A real Republican is in the church and community educating people, helping them through the tough choices around teen pregnancy, mentoring young men about responsibility and providing a real example for them, loving and valuing their wives and daughters, loving his neighbor, down at the men’s shelter on Saturday cooking breakfast for the homeless, coaching sports and/or leading Boy Scouts, and realizing that there are real problems that real people are facing in this world because sometimes, no matter what you do, it just doesn’t turn out right, and that ignoring those problems or pretending they don’t exist by burying their head in the sand, or throwing gobs of money and government at them, doesn’t make them go away. Only action and example solve them.

    We had a real Republican who did these things, lived this way, and thought like this, in office from 1980 to 1988. The two so-called “Republicans” we’ve had since were conservative in name only. They’re the real reason we have to deal with President Hussein in the White House now. @Ajax, most of us real conservatives aren’t bitter about the BHO debacle, we’re bitter about the dubbya debacle and getting sold a bill of goods for 8 long years. We’re bitter because we see him in office and realize we put him there because we didn’t guard what we valued.

    I am probably on some radical watch list after this post (I probably already was)…

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