January 22, 2025

4 thoughts on ““Yeah, she’s a conservative. Are you?”

  1. I would posit that at Cornell the intersection of the subsets “conservative women” and and “attractive women” is the empty set, for all intents and purposes.

  2. Well, I’m not a Cornellian, but my main thought is, when trying to push the envelope in one way, it’s best to be careful about all the other details so you don’t unnecessarily expose yourself to being dismissed on spurious grounds.

    Conservative beauty contest? Not exactly my cup of tea, but I’m not offended by it in principle. But using a picture of a random non-conservative model under the text “Yeah, she’s a conservative”? Seriously uncool.

  3. While I’m sure it is harder for a beautiful woman to be taken seriously as a “brain”, I really don’t think a competition to find the prettiest conservative women is anything but objectification… which certainly seems to be counterproductive to including ALL women in a category to be taken seriously. I really don’t think it’s totally offensive, but that was my only “no” choice. If you want a competition, have a debate among all conservative women and put the “tiara” on the winner, pretty or not.

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